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Board of Director Training
Answers to your questions about CAO’s Director Training.
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The Condo Act sets out specific criteria for director qualifications and your condo corporation’s governing documents can add additional criteria. Directors must at least:
- Be 18 years old
- Not be bankrupt
- Have not been subject to prior litigation finding them incapable of serving
- Must comply with required disclosure obligations
The Condo Authority provides free, online mandatory training to prepare directors for making a difference in their condo community. The CAO’s Governance Best Practices Guide also contains more in-depth information.
Owners can submit a request to their condo board or manager to file a notice of change with CAO to remove a ceased director from the Condo Registry.
Directors that were disqualified because they did not complete the CAO’s Director Training in time may be re-elected or appointed once they have completed the training.
Condo boards must have a minimum of three directors but may have more depending on the condo’s governing documents and specific needs of the corporation. A board may appoint, or owners can elect a new director, if there is a board vacancy, depending on quorum and the condo’s governing documents. CAO’s Best Practices Guide for Governance provides practical information on board structure, composition and responsibilities.
The CAO provides mandatory foundational training that all board directors in Ontario must complete within six months of being appointed, elected or re-elected, unless they have completed training within the preceding seven years. This online training takes 3-6 hours and is available to anyone to take at their own pace.
Directors who do not complete the training in time are immediately disqualified from their position on the board, and CAO does not have the authority to extend the six-month deadline under any circumstance. Advanced director training is optional but highly recommended.