About Us
Tribunal Members
CAT Members are experts in dispute resolution and condominium law. They are responsible for mediating, hearing and deciding disputes.
As the Chair of the CAT, Ian Darling is responsible for recruiting and leading a team of mediators and adjudicators who will oversee Ontario’s first online dispute resolution system.
Prior to joining the CAT, Ian was the Ombudsman for Tarion and Fanshawe College. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to Academic Ombudsmanship, Ian received the Special Contribution Award from the Association of Canadian Colleges and Universities. He served on the Board of Directors for the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman from 2003-2013.
Ian has an Honours Bachelor Degree in History from McMaster University, with a minor in International Justice and Human Rights. He also holds a Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution from Antioch University.
Michael is an Ontario lawyer practicing almost exclusively in the field of condominium law since 2002. He has written numerous articles and taught extensively on condominium issues, testified as an expert witness in court proceedings on condominium management, specifically on section 55 of the Condominium Act, 1998, and has been a court-appointed condominium administrator. He is a past president of the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI) – Golden Horseshoe Chapter and prior member of the National Executive Board of CCI.
Angelique is an arbitrator, mediator, adjunct professor and lawyer called to the Bar in Illinois. She is also a 2014 American Arbitration Association A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. Fellow. She has a wide range of dispute resolution and adjudication experience in both the public and private sectors. Angelique is currently applying her adjudication and mediation skills in her position as an Assessment and Hearings Officer at the Ontario Superior Court.
Anne is a lawyer and mediator who is active in the ADR and condominium communities. In addition to her law degree, she has an LL.M. in ADR. She has chaired the ADR Sections in both the Canadian and Ontario Bar Associations, and she is on the Executive of the ADR Institute of Ontario. Anne was on several working groups in the condominium law reform process.
Brian is an experienced adjudicator and mediator. Brian recently completed a 10-year appointment as a full-time Vice-Chair of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. Brian previously worked with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal. Brian has a Master of Laws in ADR.
Jennifer Webster is a bilingual Mediator, Arbitrator and Facilitator. She has a background in labour relations and is currently on the roster of the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada and the Canada Industrial Relations Board.
Kathryn’s most recent position was a full-time mediator and investigator at the Information and Privacy Commissioner (Ontario). Prior to that, from 1999 to 2016, she was a full-time mediator at the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, for automobile accident insurance disputes. Kathryn has an LL.M. in ADR.
Mary is a former member of the Licence Appeal Tribunal where, since 2006, she conducted settlement conferences and hearings. She previously held operational and corporate executive roles with five Ontario ministries and two agencies, including the Securities Commission and the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Mary has a B.A. and a Master of Business Administration degree.
Monica is a lawyer, who also holds degrees in applied science and electrical engineering. She has experience in developing legal technology and is the Bootcamp lead for the Institute Future Law Practice. Monica developed an innovative platform that provided online do-it-yourself small claims solution for self-represented litigants.
Nicole is a consultant and legal educator working in the areas of access to justice, dispute resolution and legal technology. She is an Adjunct Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, a Senior Research Fellow at the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice and she currently acts as the Advisor of Special Projects and Research Initiatives at the Winkler Institute for Dispute Resolution, where she is the past Co-Director. Nicole played an advisory role in setting up the Condominium Authority Tribunal and is a frequent writer and speaker on issues of innovation and access to justice.
Sancia is a lawyer, adjudicator and mediator. Sancia manages a legal practice and holds part-time appointments with the Administrative Penalty Tribunal for the City of Toronto and the Licence Appeal Tribunal for the Province of Ontario. Previously, Sancia worked at the Ontario Superior Court as a Judicial Hearing Officer with the Ministry of the Attorney General.
Susan is a bilingual adjudicator, mediator and lawyer with over 20 years’ experience resolving disputes between automobile accident victims and insurance companies as an arbitrator at the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. She previously worked as a staff lawyer and director of a legal aid clinic and as a grievance mediator with the Ministry of Labour, mediating disputes between employees, unions and private and public sector employers.
Victoria is a litigator, mediator and adjudicator. Her experience covers areas such as disability, insurance, workplace disputes, administrative and regulatory law. Her adjudication experience includes serving at the Toronto Licensing Tribunal and the City of Toronto Administrative Penalty Tribunal. As a mediator, she has experience with civil litigation, family and personal injury cases. She has practised as a civil litigator for the last 16 years. Her practice was focused on the areas of disability law, insurance law and personal injury. This experience enabled her to develop expertise in complex litigation cases involving serious medical issues, including mental health and insurance law.