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CAO Guide on Governing Condos

The guide provides directors with practical information on board structure, composition, responsibilities, culture, as well as best practices for by-laws, risk management, maintaining a positive relationship with owners and more.

About the guide

This guide explains the difference between governance and operations and goes over governance best practices for boards. The guide is particularly useful to boards that do not use professional condo management services.  


What is Condo Governance

Condo board governance refers to the processes by which the board directs and controls the condo corporation. Effective governance is an essential part of a high-functioning corporation and a strong and vibrant condo community.


The CAO’s four foundations of good governance:

  1. Developing key competencies of good governance
  2. Meeting the standard of care
  3. Establishing proper condo board composition
  4. Maintaining good owner relations


Condo board structure, composition and responsibilities

This section explains the structure of the condo board and its responsibilities.

  • Condo board structure requirements and minimum condo board size
  • Term length and term limits
  • Officers of the condo board
  • Developing a skills matrix


Condo board and focusing on the right things

This section expands more about how a condo board conducts business.

  • How condo boards conduct business
  • What do effective condo boards talk about
  • Staying on the right “Level” for condo board discussions
  • Asking the right questions
  • Periodic strategic self-evaluation
  • Conflict resolution
  • Director indemnification and liability insurance
  • Director disclosure and Conflict of interest


The importance of the condo corporation's by-laws

This section explains more about what by-laws are how they can be enforced.

  • Your condo corporation’s by-laws
  • By-Laws best practices
  • Passing or amending your condo corporation’s By-Laws


Condo risk management

Some of the key elements of risk management as it pertains to the work of condo boards are outlined below.

  • Key steps in risk management
  • Timing
  • Risk management process


Transparency and maintaining a positive relationship with the owners

This section explains the benefits of keeping the owners informed about owners’ meetings and other scenarios.

  • Keeping owners informed of board decisions on their behalf
  • Owners’ meetings
  • Enhancing communication with owners
  • Forming committees of owners
  • Encouraging participation at owner’s meetings
  • Collecting owner feedback
  • Responding to owner request for records

Director training overview

The Condo Authority has created a mandatory Foundational Director Training Module for condo directors. The online training consists of 21 modules covering important topics

We have also augmented the foundational director training with an optional advanced training module. Please note: The advanced training can only be completed following the completion of the foundational training module.


How can we make this guide better?

Provide your feedback
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CAO is improving its Director Training to include new and updated content! Please note the training will not be accessible Oct. 29 after 5 p.m. until we launch Nov. 1 at 10 a.m. while we make these improvements. Please contact us if you have any questions.


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