Step 3: Solutions
Here’s what to do now that you’ve identified your issue.
Keep track of the light issue with as much detail as possible
Determine who or what is causing the issue
You should contact your condo board if you can’t determine the source of the light. Otherwise, find out who owns the unit that is causing the light issue and get in touch with them.
You can learn who owns a unit by reviewing a condo record called the Record of owners and mortgagees. This record includes the names and addresses of all unit owners in your condo corporation.
Owners are required to notify their condo if they rent out or lease their units. Condo corporations are required to maintain a record of the notices they receive under the Condo Act.
You can review these records to determine if the person causing the light issue is an owner or an occupant.
Contact those responsible
Your neighbour may not be aware that they are causing an light issue. The first step should always be to speak to them and see if you can quickly resolve the issue without needing to file an application with the Tribunal.
You can also send a templated letter if you are uncomfortable speaking to them or if you have spoken to them and it has not worked.
Here is where to direct the letters:
Send a letter to the owner and the condo corporation
Send a letter to the owner, the occupant and the condo corporation
Send a letter to your condo corporation.
Copying your condo corporation in your correspondence gives them an opportunity to intervene and resolve the issue quickly. Make sure you also keep a copy of the letter or email for yourself and note the date and time you sent it.
Follow up
Send a follow up letter if the other party does not respond to you after a reasonable amount of time passes after you send the first letter. Keep copies of any follow-up as well.