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Compliance with Settlement Agreements

Step 4: Condominium Authority Tribunal

You can file an application with the Tribunal if you tried the previous steps and it did not work. The Tribunal provides an online dispute resolution system that helps condo communities resolve condo disputes conveniently, quickly and affordably.

About the Tribunal

Cases about compliance with settlement agreements go straight to Stage 3 – Tribunal Decision. The Tribunal will hold an online hearing to determine if a party has failed to comply, and, if so, what order is appropriate to remedy the failure.

These cases can be filed by anyone who is a party to a settlement agreement reached in a previous CAT case.


Learn more about the Tribunal’s process and the Tribunal’s jurisdiction

Seeking legal advice

Check out our legal resources page for more information on affordable legal advice, free legal information, and legal expense insurance.

Are you considering representing yourself without a lawyer?

The CAO has developed a guide for Self-Represented CAT parties that helps them understand the role of the Tribunal, its jurisdiction, process and what they can expect when going through a case.

The Condo Authority Tribunal

File a Tribunal application

File a Tribunal application
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