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CAO’s Anti-Harassment Rule Sample for Condo Corporations

The CAO drafted an anti-harassment rule sample as part of our ongoing commitment to supporting healthy condominium communities across Ontario.

Your corporation can consider this sample as it drafts its own anti-harassment rule that fits their unique circumstances. All corporations should aim to establish clear, consistent and transparent processes for how to prevent, prepare for and respond to harassment in their condo.

Those seeking to update their rules or draft new ones should consult with their legal counsel to ensure that any change to the governing documents don’t contradict the Condo Act.

Here are some highlights from the rule sample:

  1. Defining different types of harassment, bullying, discrimination and dangerous activities
  2. Establishing that each condo community member has a right to freedom from harassment
  3. Enforcing the rules through clear processes and responsibilities
  4. Considering records and privacy for information collected by the corporation
  5. Using an anti-harassment incident report such as the one included in the rule sample as Appendix A.

Tell us what you think by completing this survey!

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