Watch our 2023 Annual Meeting and read the Annual Report
Did you miss the live stream of our Annual Meeting?
Don’t worry, you can catch up by watching the recording below:
Ever wondered about condo growth in the province? We showcased a video at our Annual Meeting that visualizes how things have changed in Ontario in the last 50+ years! Watch the video here!
You can also access our most recent Annual Report referenced in our meeting.
Frequently Asked Questions from CAO’s Annual Members’ Meeting – September 27, 2023
1. What can owners do when condo corporations do not fulfil their duties in good faith?
We encourage you to review the Guided Steps to Solving Common Issues available on CAO’s website. You may bring the concerns to your condo management company and your condo board as a first step. Alternatively, you can bring it up at your AGM or by requisitioning an owners’ meeting, provided at least 15 percent of the voting units sign your requisition.
2. What can condo corporations do to enforce the governing documents?
Boards have a responsibility under the Condo Act to act reasonably when enforcing the governing documents and can follow these steps to resolve any issues:
- Notify owners & residents who are not complying to make them aware of the issue and follow up as required, including by sending them a letter
- If necessary, send a letter from legal counsel
- File the issue to the Condo Authority Tribunal if it is within the CAT’s jurisdiction.
- File the issue to mediation, arbitration or the Superior Court if it not within the CAT’s jurisdiction.
For more information on the most common types of condo disputes, read about Solving Common Issues.
3. How can owners navigate a situation where different corporations are responsible for the units and the common elements?
Make sure to review the terms of the shared facilities or mutual use agreement between the two corporations. These agreements will typically set out the responsibilities and rights of each corporation, such as cost-sharing and access rights. Another place to look will be your corporation’s by-laws as they may contain provisions in addition to the agreement.
Corporations should work collaboratively to ensure that all community members that use the shared facilities can enjoy them. The corporations may wish to periodically revisit the agreement and examine whether any amendments are required in addition to any joint by-laws or rules that the corporations have regarding the shared facility.
Contact your board or manager if you encounter any issues.
4. How does the CAT ensure that there isn’t any conflict of interest between Tribunal Members and lawyers representing parties?
All Tribunal Members are required to comply with the CAT’s Ethical Framework and with the CAT Member Code of Conduct. All Tribunal Members are required to review and sign an undertaking that they will comply with the Code of Conduct annually.
In addition, when assigning individual cases to Members, Members are required to notify the Chair (who serves as their Ethics Executive) if they have any potential conflicts of interests involving the parties and/or their representatives. If this occurs, Members must comply with the directions of the Chair.
5. Are board directors also permitted to manage the day-to-day operations of a condo and its property?
Yes! These are called self-managed condominiums. These corporations are bound by the same legal obligations as any other. The decision to self-manage is unique to each corporation’s specific needs. Boards can re-assess whether they want to stay self-managed at any time if daily operations become too cumbersome.
Check out our Self-managed Condos Guide to learn more
6. Do owners have a say in the vendors used by a condo board when repairing the standard elements of an owner’s unit?
Boards have authority to pick vendors and establish contracts as part of their duties, but owners can communicate preferences by requestioning an owners’ meeting. Generally, procurement should be carried out in concert with best practices. Read our guide on procurement for more.
7. Are boards required to provide the reasoning behind decisions in the minutes for owners’ meetings, including AGMs?
Adequate minutes of meetings should be accurate and include all decisions made and a reasonable summary of the business conducted.
They should also include:
- Date, time, and location of the meeting
- List of attendees
- Record of votes or motions
- Succinct description of business carried out
- Note whether any directors or officers were appointed
- If any by-laws and rules were approved
Minutes do not need to be word-for-word transcriptions of what was said. After being drafted and approved, minutes are considered condo records that unit owners, mortgagees and purchasers can access.
8. What educational resources does CAO have to help condo buyers make informed decisions before purchasing?
Check out our Buyers’ Guide or Condo Owners’ Guide!
9. Does the Condo Authority’s board of director training include a comprehensive section about financial responsibility?
Yes! Our Advanced Training contains an in-depth guide on Finance as well as associated scenario-based Finance modules that walk users through reading and understanding financial statements. The guide is available to anyone, anytime. The modules are available only to those who have completed our basic training. Start your training today!
10. How long is an auditing company authorized to work with CAO to audit its annual financial statements?
Our By-laws requires CAO to appoint an auditor at each Annual Members Meeting. The board has the authority to change or renew an auditor on a yearly basis, regardless of the length of the term. An auditing company can be appointed or re-appointed by CAO as an auditor for a maximum of ten years.
11. What options do condo owners have if their condo board or manager hasn’t responded to a service request?
Owners have several ways of dealing with an unresponsive condominium corporation, including:
- Writing an email, letter, or a message through the corporation’s virtual platform
- Requesting attendance at a board meeting
- Raising concerns at the AGM
- Requestioning an owners’ meeting
12.What guidance does CAO provide to help condos in Ontario improve the management of their Reserve Funds?
All condo community members should read our Guide to Ensuring Healthy Reserve Funds.
13.What are the maintenance responsibilities of a condo board if there is damage to an owner’s unit caused by a water leak?
Responsibilities for repairs and maintenance of units and common elements depend on what is outlined in the Condominium Act and the condo corporation’s governing documents. Understanding the definitions of a standard unit and common elements is particularly important because of insurance implications. Read more on our repairs and maintenance page.
14. Does CAO offer guidance to condos on setting up EV charging stations?
Yes! You may be interested in reading our Guide to Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations.
15. How can members of the public share their thoughts and feedback about topics discussed at CAO’s Annual Members Meeting?
Members of the public are welcome to contact us anytime!