Step 2 – Legal Considerations
Vehicle Provisions
Condo corporations often have specific provisions about vehicles in their governing documents. Everyone must follow these requirements.
Condo owners and boards can take action to address vehicle-related issues.
Review your condo’s governing documents for the provisions related to vehicles if you are experiencing an issue.
Boards make legal action against those not following the governing documents, including by filing an application with the Condominium Authority Tribunal. Tenants can’t file CAT cases and should contact their landlord when dealing with Vehicle issues in their condo.
Municipal By-Laws
Some municipalities have by-laws related to vehicles. Owners and occupants are required to comply with both municipal by-laws and the condo’s governing documents.
For example, your municipal bylaws may allow you to idle your car for up to three minutes, but your condo has a rule prohibiting idling of any duration on the condo property. In this case, you would not be allowed to idle your car on the condo property.
Contact your municipality to find out more.