Short-Term Rentals
Step 3: Solutions
Here’s what to do now that you’ve identified your issue and reviewed your legal obligations.
Determine who is causing the issue
Determine if the person is an owner or occupant and their condo unit number by checking the condo corporation’s record of owners and mortgagees.
Owners are required to notify their condo corporation if they lease their units.
Contact the owner or occupant
An owner or occupant may not be aware that they are causing a short-term rental issue. Speaking to them directly may resolve this issue quickly.
Reach out to them to collect all the information including:
- the date and time when the issue occurred
- the type of short-term rental issue they are experiencing
- who they think is causing the issue
- any other relevant details.
You may also wish to write a letter to the owner or occupant if they are not complying with the short-term provisions in your condo corporation’s governing documents, identifying:
- the short-term rental issue they have caused or may be contributing to
- the specific provision(s) in the governing documents they have violated
- how they can resolve the issue
- the condo corporation’s next steps if the issue continues.
Keep track of your interactions with the owner or occupant with as much detail as possible, noting dates and times.
Use the following templates for letters when trying to resolve an issue. Make sure you keep a copy of your letter with the date and time you sent it.
It may take some time to resolve the issue so you should give them a reasonable amount of time and you should keep track of your interactions with them in as much detail as possible, noting dates and times.
Follow up
Send a follow-up letter or email, using one of our letter templates if you’ve given them a reasonable opportunity to respond but the issue has not been resolved. Keep a copy of your letter, noting the date and time that you sent it.