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Filing an Application

If you have tried all the previous steps and your records issue still hasn’t been resolved, you may be able to file an application with the Condominium Authority Tribunal.

CAT provides an online dispute resolution system that helps condo communities resolve condo disputes conveniently, quickly and affordably.

CAT uses a three-stage dispute resolution process:

Stage 1 – Negotiation

You will work with the other parties to try and resolve the dispute.

Stage 2 – Mediation

You will work with a CAT Mediator to try and resolve the dispute.

Stage 3 – Tribunal Decision

You will be able to make your case to a CAT Member in an online hearing. The Tribunal member will then issue an order to resolve the issues.

Who can file a records-related application with the CAT?

Owners, purchasers and mortgagees can file a records-related application with the CAT.

Want to learn more about previous CAT cases?

You can read all the CAT’s previous orders and decisions to learn more about the types of records disputes seen at the tribunal, and how they were resolved.

There are several different types of records disputes. Click on a dispute type below for a list of all related decisions and orders.

  • Access to Records – for disputes that deal with accessing or getting copies of records
  • Adequacy of Records – for disputes that deal with whether a condo is maintaining adequate records
  • Entitlement to Records – disputes with whether a requester is entitled to access records they have requested
  • Records Retention – for disputes with whether a condo is keeping records for the required time

The Condo Authority Tribunal

File an application

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