Condo Authority Delivers on AG Recommendations
Toronto, ON – Nov. 30, 2022 – The Condominium Authority of Ontario continues to strengthen consumer protection for the province’s condo sector after it successfully addressed the recommendations made in the Auditor General’s 2020 report.
The Condominium Oversight audit looked at the CAO, Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario and Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement and recommended better supports and consumer protection for condo communities. The AG tabled her update to this report today at Queen’s Park.
The CAO worked with key stakeholders and the ministry to successfully deliver on the recommendations.
“Since receiving the report, our team has been focused on addressing the Auditor General’s recommendations and strengthening digital services to achieve our mandate,” said Robin Dafoe, CEO and Registrar of the CAO. “I am proud of the progress we’ve made. We remain deeply committed to delivering excellent services that support strong Ontario condo communities.”
The CAO’s focus on the recommendations included a significant update of its Director Training Program. We introduced six new advanced condo director training modules with accompanying guides on important areas after consulting with stakeholders and adult learning experts. New material covered condo governance, emergency planning & preparedness, finance, issues management, procurement and overseeing condo managers.
Other recommendations assigned to the Condo Authority that were addressed included:
- Improving the search functionality of the CAO’s Public Registry to help users search by condo municipal addresses of as well as the names of directors
- Partnering with the CMRAO to strengthen the Condo Authority’s ability to validate data reported by condo corporations, including licensed condo managers and management companies
- Improving the accuracy of data reported by condo corporations
The CAO also addressed elements of other recommendations and will continue to work with the ministry to improve protections to condo communities in Ontario.
The CAO would like to thank the Auditor General of Ontario for the report.
You can read the full report about the progress of implementation on the Auditor General’s recommendations here.